Photo: Shawn G. Henry
The people of MIT are incredibly passionate about the teaching and learning that happens here and eager to share knowledge that empowers and inspires the world. I see it in our faculty, students, alumni, and our dedicated staff who engage with the community every day to pursue the Institute’s mission.
In this issue of Bibliotech you’ll hear from some of those staff members – people who work directly with students, faculty, and researchers – about the varied ways they support research, learning, and discovery. You can also read a recap of the spring MIT Reads event with author, assistant professor of mathematics, and retired NFL player John Urschel, who spoke about his twin passions for math and football.
Appropriately, we share these stories with you alongside the annual Honor Roll of donors. The Libraries couldn’t do what we do without you, passionate people who provide generous support year after year. On behalf of all the library staff, thank you.
All my best,
Chris Bourg, PhD
Director of Libraries